Monique Heidema
In memoriam
In the same month (September 2021) my dear friends Natasja and Ron passed away. With both of them I had a very close friendship, it was actually more like a family. Natasja and I called each other sister. Ron called me aunt Monique in the presence of his youngest daughter.
I met Natasja back in 2002; she replaced a violinist for a concert we had with the Indigo Piano Quartet. We had both been playing together for years with different people and in different chamber music ensembles, but we had never felt such a strong musical bond before. This was the real beginning of the birth of Indigo! After a few years we also met Ron, an amazing viola player. Up until the beginning of both their illnesses, we had a wonderful time and musical journey. We played so many concerts in the Netherlands, a few times we traveled to Russia to give concerts in the famous Philharmonie and the Hermitage. And in the summers we could be found in the Czech Republic to give masterclasses to young talented students.
The death of these incredibly exceptional persons also means the end of Piano Quartet Indigo.
With pain in my heart to know that this beauty is no more. With joy for the memories and lessons it has given me. To replace these remarkable people is simply not possible. I will of course continue to play a lot and work together with my close friend and fellow pianist André Telderman. We are lucky to still have each other!